SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

But ‘you’ would have stopped HTM being confirmed by interfering.

Lol. why am I bother. This is obvious scum.

Yeah cuz caring more about me being confirmed over a neutral being confirmed is scummy.

Oh wait no its not cuz anyone would priorotise their own life over a neutral

I’m not even going to dignify this with anymore answers


I genuinely have no idea why you think I’m scum. Htm knew I was scorned like D1, it was silly of him to check me when I’d obviously swap myself with all TP dead.

Lol, this is not town Hippo lol. Get dunked on. And how would he? Considering you never claimed lol

I forgot he knew my favourite ability is bus driver as he just hosted secret murders where we chatted about it, and I offhand said I had limited uses of my favourite ability but my other ability is shit.

And how is this “not town hippo” in anyway. Instead of just randomly saying “it’s my gut” wanna say what I’ve done at all which is scummy.

Lol - what logic is this? This is either a lie or you should be Modkilled for talking about this game outside of the thread

That games over m8

Hippo is NK Hunter

Just going to say it right here and right now

did Frost say that?

Whenever you have the chance to, tell everyone that Hippo was the 4th NK who killed NB, Frost, and Meme. Frost actually tried to CS Hippo and died because of it, which means Hippo is a NK Hunter.

Blizer said this

LOL, you talked about this game in another game lol. So… either modkill from mods if you are telling the truth - no mod kill means you are lying and are therefore scum. GG

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@Moleland Dama as I wanted to check if he was really scum or not. Since I probably got either HH’d or occ’d then this really makes Dama look suspicious.

/vote Damafaud

Is it not possible that something stopped you visiting dama?

Also. Frost said he tried CSing you Hippo. Ggez

But im going to be not so evil rn

Bullshit. Why would you believe frost the dead scum. He KNEW I would have tp on me there is no way he tried to coldsteel me, it makes 100% sense for him to kill all my visitors.

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IIRC, the only possibilities I know so far are Dama’s HH or Psycho’s occ.