SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

/unvote Fk
/vote Squid

No, that is not the reason I find her suspicious, I dislike her reasoning she attaches to her vote. It has NOTHING to do with activity.

Bleed is a day ability

I cant bear after i wolf and vice versa

Ok fair enough i got it lemme see it again now.Wil come in sec

Why can you even bleed anyone if your aim is to kill King?

I know you might be meming but you’ve kinda committed to being a Neut Hunter now memesky and I’m kinda tempted to vote you off that.

Ofc im hunter

To threaten ofc

lol you won’t escape the curse that easily


I’ll happily hang you today if you get pug to vote first

Pug vote me ok thank

Calling memesky real fool here

What kind of win-condition is this ?

I do that too however I can also make others submit defeat which is not the same as scumreading or mechanical confirmations right?

agreed, I had to vote not just based on other people’s logic but I serve to encourage more voters - so far we had seven voters which is not even close to majority.

Atm im doing some heavy scumreading sooo yeah…

Hey Frost, do you think Bliz is a Dimwir aligned alchemist?

Hi nk

Hey Memesky

Oops just revealed I was NK all along

Sorry fam :frowning:

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