SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Double voter paladin PogChamp

Guys vote gamer. The fact that max outted it to everyone instead of just keep it to himself is basically saying he’s town, as scum would have no reason to out them to everyone as they could kill them the next night.

Squid is CS’ing tonight.

Squid is like ready to jump on literally anyone’s bus

I’m not though, I’m just asking questions


(lol puns)

But why are you voting me if you find squid fishier unless you’re a complete nut

Beacuse you’re my son and i have to teach you a lesson
If you roll scum in a game with me you must lose

also because my v key is broken so i can’t type vote

also by the way what does IW mean

. . . . . . . . . . .



Squid is as scummy as they come, but I don’t see the harm in lynching other scum and lynching her tomorrow if she doesn’t produce a CS.

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Ice Ward.

Why is a W called a Double U
When it’s really a Double V

Wouldn’t it be more easy to say Doublevee?

the context Sarun used it in is “IW comments” so Ice Ward makes absolute no sense

It is in French

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As I said before, I’d like to put Poke up for these comments. Having a Knight CS him feels like an attempt to “mechanically prove” himself by occupying/redirecting Squid while his faction kills her. Hell, he wouldn’t even need an occupier if he’s a MM.

The additional fact that he tried to quickhammer Livicus into a potentially limited trial just seals the deal.

/vote Poke


and Spanish actually calls it dobleve if I remember

I think GamerPokemon is my companion the Sheriff

I think we have time to pressure Poke then

/vote Poke

also no more danger in trials because the King has no DF

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Then why would you out that information…

Because Max already said it earlier