SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

I would convert Memesky,Vulgard(if he didn’t replace) and Blizer.


Vulgard isn’t playing, so replace his spot with someone else

Memesky is a good answer

Captain is probably still town

Cause memesky is openwolfing every game.No one would suspect him.

You know about the risk that I will die tonight if I CS the wrong person, right? I’m really fucking ready to die to prove either my innocence or someone else’s innocence

I’m gonna ignore that memesky right there

k bye guys gtg

The fact that he’s unreadable basically means that he’s guaranteed to make it to mid-game, though he’ll probably be dead once end-game comes.

same case would be for Celeste who’s strangely not being an openscum

What Risk, Squid? If you attack someone who isn’t cult, worst case scenario you drag another blue dragon down with you.

That is why

Celeste kinda shows it tho

Nono, not that
Everyone is misunderstanding the point of this exercise

That actually kind of makes sense. Okay I actually have a idea,

@Soulshade55r Bounty marcus. @Memesky Poke.

If this is the case it would be better to hang squid today, As they could be the assassin. We don’t actually need a knight CS anyway as we have a lot of bounties to do POE.

/Vote Squid

If I CS a BD, only I die. I confirm someone as BD. And besides, if I did kill scum with my CS, what would think if it was a member of the Unseen?

These kind of exercises are a nightmare for inexperienced scum

And changing Vulgard with Sarun.

Let me elaborate

Vote Count

Sam - 1 (Solic)
Luxy - 1 (Meme)
Gamerpoke - 4 (Blizer, Sarun, Livicus, Squid)
Max - 1 (Marl)
Squid - 1 (Litten)

10 is majority