SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Wrong again. The only information I have from Marg is that someone visited me.

Yeah or we could have any other BD class that can visit…

Why doesn’t she want to out that?

The thing about Marg is, they have a chance of being Mm or what they actaully claim, also Im back and read everything

Didn’t solic say that Sarun was confirmed Town to them or was it Sarun that said solic was town to them.

Sarun isn’t scum imo.

Press X to doubt

Because if she can use this info to disprove scum visits later down the road, then it’d be several times more useful?

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I have a feeling Sarun was converted tho. I would definitely convert him if there was no conversion protection on him.

Sarun flipping scum will flip everything we think we know about this game on to it’s head

Nah, I thought Solic was the Mystic from his posts regarding HTM.

Except plenty of players suggested conversion protection on him day 1.

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There were 4 barrier requests.It was obvius one of them will be not protected.And i think every cw would go to Marl.

Stop assuming Sarunai is the convert
I think it’s more likely they started as scum

Let’s first prioritize finding starting evil before tinfoiling conversion on literally almost every other player.

Wouldn’t Marge have outed him if that were the case. They were at least not an Assassin and a MM we should leave alone until day 4.

If we can find the CL/MM we basically should know who they converted

Which only leaves second cult member. This just feels like major tinfoiling to me.

Not if Celeste is the other factions convert

Honestly I still don’t think Sarun is scum. I still think gamer is scummier than Sarun. Sarun is also a terrible vote for the reasoning “they may of been converted” because I doubt scum would try to convert them with the chance of a Cw on them.

If you think he’s scum you should check him because I think you are wrong.

Also they wouldn’t be MM as when Celeste asked if they were investigative they wouldn’t of said no because they may of been a princess.

We have two scum possibility that we are 90% sure tbh.