SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

It does matter because the level of important is ambiguous

@Kirefitten @Livicus @Alice @GamerPoke change vote to execute, Sam Isn’t town

Can we bet in that?

@Captain Happy Hour GamerPoke tonight, I repeat.
@PoisonedSquid CS Margaret tonight

No, because if you’re town you’re playing like garbage

First pug now Sam. 0-2 isn’t good for a Marluxion record

We have a better lynch on Poke.

He’s essentially repeatedly scumslipped as MM.

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We don’t want to hang the MM today

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They already know…

we want to lock the MM down until d4

:man_shrugging: Depends

I have a feeling Sam is a class we need, a class I need specifically and Klavier as well


What do you mean depends? You know what I am you can answer if it is gamethrowing or not. Or at least say it in the pms to prevent angle shooting

Is this your gut feeling?

yes it’s completely gut

:man_shrugging: I leave that to the mods decretion

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So call in a mod please.

I don’t want to get blacklisted from games. Call in a mod and tell me a response

Marl answered you lel

Discretion is ambiguous I don’t like ambiguous