SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Marl. Keeping the unseen at a 0 KPN is great for us. They will have to resort to bussing their converts or they will never be able to take away BD numbers.

We are not following you just cause you said. You are making a bad plan.

You are losing your touch Marl. I never thought I would see the day happen

I am
My night plan has 0 scum motivation behind it

He’s certainly a bad townie, but the fact ia he would of claimed as scum by now. There is no reason he would be this stubborn and poke is likely to flip evil more then sam.

Nah, right now I am in a fun mood. There is no town or scum right now. I am a spectator enjoying the madness


Marl makes sense

so :sheep: time

ignore the old nite plans

Converting > Killing especially early on for unseen.

Trial Vote count

Pardon - 4 (Litten, Sarun, Gamerpoke)
Execute - 4 (Marl, Luxy, Marcus, Livicus, htm)

9 votes is majority

Cool. Still I’m not following it just cause you are confirmed. You have a bad plan.

HTM too

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Are you sure you are getting healed tonight?

I dont care if scum follows me, I’m going to convince the blue dragon to.

Which means it’s 3 - 5 :wink:

Is this a Phys soft?

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Scum is 100% following you or inactive

Sam isn’t phys
He’s softed inves like 8 times

It’s still a terrible plan. Keeping the unseen at a 0 KPN is much better. They won’t be able to have more then 3 members and we can basically block them.

If you think I know soft you are funny, I don’t soft claim

Sam if you are Phys you better claim so that Marl can have enough convincing to pardon you

Enabling them to convert is idiotic
We don’t know all 3 unseen