SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Livicus, out his claim
I’m not shifting this wagon off of execute until you do

I think he’s Physician

@Livicus how does this apply to this situation?

Because I’m BLEEDING

We need you to say “I am a physician”

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If anyone can tell me why this is a bad idea please speak now.

It’s not. You can’t convert power roles but you can kill them.

if you’re scum you can backpedal out of this later
which we cannot allow

If you want to live, I’m giving you ZERO outs.

It pains me to end all this fun. But I die tonight

As scum

How much time do we have left until EOD?

I am physician. :sob:



Is he admitting that the CL has sacrificed him?

Enough time to hang Margaret

Check if there is a cc please

I want to be confirmed right now!


/pardon Heal Livi plz
