SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

I’d actually prefer Celeste here due to the higher chance of her flipping scum.

then we have Squid CS Max

Have we hammered pardon yet?

I’m fine with that. I’m still skeptical of a FK lynch here, though.

I still don’t get it why don’t you think locking the assassin is more important then stopping converts.

You are basically stopping you from dying as fast as the assassin/cl will both be trying to kill the protectives.

Honestly we should prob organize the claims so we can scum read easier

I’d imagine that by now we’ve already hammered pardon.

/vote Celeste

/vote Celeste


Your nightplan here is to CS Maximus, understood?

Pops in
/vote self
Pops out

Got it

How about this then.

We lynch max. Squid CS’s Celeste. Then captain happy hours poke. I don’t actually want to lynch Celeste because we pretty much confirmed them as evil and it would be much better to take them out later.

I still don’t get why people don’t want to take down the mastermind so we can lockdown an assassin though

Because converting people into a loss is baad

Because we’d get better association reads from Celeste’s flip so our investigators can have a better night plan tonight.

It’s still the best way to do stuff.

/Vote Max

Celeste has a higher chance of flipping evil so squid should Cs them to confirm themselves.

We can still do them if they die tonight. Squid confirming themselves right now would be great.

Prince - Shuri © (getting rezzed)
Sheriff - Marl ©
Paladin - Marc ©
Physician - Sam
BD Killing - Squiddy (Knight)
BD Support - Me (Priest)
BD Offensive - Pug © (Butler)
BD Social - Livic © (Mystic)
Random BD - Meme © (Noble)
Random BD - Soul (Noble)
Random BD - Capt (Drunk)
Random BD - Gamer (Princess)
Random BD - Celeste (Observer)
Random BD
Random BD

All the claims gotten rite?

/vote FK

Oh wow thats sooo bad since I’ve been distancing from eveerrryyyone so I would be deemed not important town

Because this assumes a lot about Squid “confirming” herself. I’m still adamant with Marg being the lynch here over you or Maxi because I’m more sure of her flipping scum than either of you.