SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

This isn’t a good vote for today, shift to Celeste.

Because if Celeste flips unseen then squid is basically confirmed imo.

Still, even if they don’t get confirmed a evil still dies we can be pretty much sure of that. It would be better to lynch someone else.

/vote Celeste

/vote Celeste

Tbh I knew she would have been converted

(Tbh I just want this day over so I can get info out of the ded)

/vote Celeste

/Vote Celeste

I still feel like it would be better for us to lynch the MM. the fact that we can basically lock down the assassin would of been great. I still don’t see why you don’t like that idea snd why we can’t just let squid Cs them:

pops in
Omae wa mou shindieru
pops out


Please friends can we stop sinning.

/vote Celeste

Sam has been pardoned and may not be voted again today

9 hours remain


Marg - 8 (Sarun, Livi, Luxy :crown:, htm. Marcus, Litten, Squid)

10 votes is majority

Also, Moley is now sleeping since it is 5am

What about a Soulshade lynch btw
He very clearly didn’t know how Noble’s bouny worked
He said he “just used it” last night

I mean hes confirmed either Noble/Apostle/Aristocrat

I am charge up on a Soulshade lynhc

/vote Soulshade

God you guys. You were pardoning him so easily at the start. I’m glad Marl woke up and didn’t let that slide. I guess his Physician claim is the only thing that can also explain the bleeding signalling. I think we should CFD unto FireKitten, Luxy or Max then. Firekitten softed Sheriff when he said we shouldn’t vote up Mercenary for “reasons”. That is why I didn’t want to vote them up prior to this.

/vote Firekitten

Facepalm at Marcus outing as well.

Are there even reasons on why everyone should just not claim now then? Since all the PR’s have outed?

We literally already have a Mystic/Priest/Paladin/Sheriff claim and a Prince that is dead. Only one claimed under some significant pressure. (Livicus)