SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Isn’t Noble something highly confirmable though that we can deal with if he doesn’t bounty appropriately? Luxy is also a CFD we need to consider. All the royals, including our sus Princess claim from GamerPoke and Soul can confirm themselvese then.

PR can’t be converted usually, everything else can.

Now that all the PR’s have outed, every single other class can be converted or is fakeclaiming though. There are no neutrals, so the cost to a massclaim isn’t that large.

I either want to lunch FK/Celeste rn

Don’t want Poke since MM and Maxi hasn’t done anything that’s scummy

Then vote Firekitten, because an Observer claim will prove itself over time.

I was getting CFDed onto, what else was I supposed to do?

But Celeste could be a NW tho

Actually participate and give proper reads. Your claim is not your shield or is not supposed to be. I’ve been under no pressure to claim, because I am trying here actually.

I would definitely convert her or meme as scum

I reiterate to not start with stupid “he/she might be converted!” scenario’s before we have found even one of the four starting evils.

Well Poke’s likely MM and them 2 seem to be a scumteam

We’ll put pressure on them tomorrow. Deal? Celeste will have more information that could clear her then. I believe her Observer claim.

@Captain change of plans again

HH Poke if Marg flips scum if not HH Squid

You imply that are also believing Pokes princess claim

Not all knights are assassins and not all princesses are MM’s folks. If it’d be that easy, it wouldn’t be a game to play. Scumread, don’t classread.

Are you the third unseen?

I’m 50/50 on it, but we either get Luxy out and can easily confirm it or we have to leave it alone until day 4 anyways.

/vote FK

Read please Luxy. This is not helping your case.

If you get me out I can’t wifom guard can I?