SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Does this mean I’m forbidden from dicussing anything else that does not pertain to my defense?

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although we could use this time to finalize night plans

or not

Trial Votecount

Pardon - 6 (Sarun, Captain, Marl, Blizer, Litten, Livicus)

Majority is 9

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Pretty much

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You had 48 hours to decide on night plans

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I c I c :ok_hand:

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The days are set to 48 hours to help the scum factions by forcing BD to make faster choices. Trials are allowed to over run the day time to make sure that A) A trial happens and
B) Allow time for people to vote.

Using this time extension for extra discussion is not the intended use of the time, and is unfair to the scum factions (who may or may not have wasted the day time successfully)


Why so quick to pardon. Let’s see what he did.

@Solic ho did you inoculate?

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Btw this is garbage I visited Sarun

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It is very possible that Sarun was attacked by Solic because I attempted to heal him. I didn’t get any feedback yet

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Noone, I wanted to inoc Shurian tomorrow and Mole didn’t allow the inoc I tried to do while I was almost hammered.

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Or Firekitten attacked him.

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@Marluxion I kindve disagree with you here about the verdict. But I follow you. So whatever you say goes

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Marge can be a scumteam with FK, so she could fake Observer if you truly claim you visited Sarun.

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I did visit Sarun

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My visit to Sarun was already public knowledge.

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Then you should be counterclaiming Marge.

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Noone claimed to have occed or redirected you so far. Only Captain maybe? Pug occed Blizer.

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Interesting, because I had the exact same thought process. I was going to innoc Shurian.

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Yeah but with limited feedback only people who are killer/invest/special get feedbackfor occed/redirected

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