SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

I don’t think he should be HH’ed anymore. Especially not tonight.

MM cannot convert. Princess will be helpful. Seeker won’t do anything when we have outed almost all class claims.

@Captain HH someone else tonight.

/unvote, /vote Blizer

@Memesky who did you bounty?

@Marcus_Doodalee Did you “find” Unseen? :eyes:

Btw i will say this how Poke knew he was specifially hh’ed.I could be lying and i could be fake drunk who is actually invoker.Only way for him to know this exactly is he should be mm bcs they are immune.

But investigatives would know they were occupied.

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Then it’s still better to HH someone else tonight. Also you announced you were HH’ing him and everyone was townreading you. It’s not really something that makes Poke more suspicious.

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You might as well Debauch someone anyway. Save HH’s.

AAahh I’m not sure what Sam’s class would be though. They must visit, still dared to counterclaim Marge yesterday and visited SoulShade.

There’s literally no point in mass claiming in a 20 player game in the first 2-3 days -_-

There is when literally all PR’s have outed.

We’re slowly reaching the truth though :thinking:


Disguising soulshade the cult leader?

Read the Cult cards? They don’t have that ability?

Disguise? I’m pretty sure CL has a disguise…?

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They sadly do, CL can disguise player’s class

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Strength Of Corax (Night) - The Cult Leader’s Blood of Mithras will bypass night immunity tonight. - 1 use

Maybe this, could be how marl died.

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