SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

I never asked for reads.

Quote it.

FK did.

And then you accused me of accusing FK, so I said that was unfair.

I said captain was the person acting the most scummiest 6 hours into day 1 due to his obsession with king, as if I was executed, there would be no executions and no new kings.

You could have admitted you had no good reads yet

And you’re acting incredibly scummy for a priest which is why I called you out for it. I’m allowed to scumspect people who are not proven even though you think I’m EK you know.

And guess what people would say

‘Must be evil king, doesn’t have any reads’ and ignore me for the rest of the game.

Accusing priest is basically scum confirmed

It really isn’t, are you convert immune?

Unless they’re convert immune it isn’t scummy. I never called for your execution, all I did was scumspect you.

Nah I wouldn’t do that.

6 hours in is way too early

You asked me for reads

I said I didn’t have any good ones yet. Did everyone ignore me? No.

Because you’re not the one being suspected as evil king are you?

I was motivated by survival, because BD loses if I’m exed.

Survival is typically scum actions

You think I’d say that If I was scum?

Let me say it again.

If I’m exed then BD loses, especially at this point. Therefore, I needed to survive.

Not at the start tho

Still a crazy bad hit to BD to lose kings permanently and have a day of no-lynch.

Wait a second

How did you know Dynasty thing and not the debt thing

Because after you started talking about debt I checked my class card?