SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

@Soulshade55r You will bounty GamerPoke tonight or we WILL lynch you.

You should check whoever you find is most likely to be lying about his class type. Try and find a Cult Leader, since his type will spring out.

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Celeste has claimed that she will die tonight, I find that rather interesting.

Observer is strong and she has given us the most leads, so I don’t think it’s weird to say that.

Okay I have a new plan that will save everyone who is actually important.
Solic are you going to heal htm though?

WIFOM is a support’s greatest strength.

Btw i messed up with the enforcer.This enforcer doesn’t have 2 frenzy.I forgot it was not changed in forums.

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I think dead interaction is quite useful for us to have to be honest.

Now’s also a good time to think about PoFing for tomorrow.

Ngl it is when we have a lot of important people. We can make sure we protect 100% the power roles. I’m not sure if we should heal htm because he has done his job and keeping him alive is begging him to be converted

Mkay then.

Solic heals htm.
Luxy guards Solic
Sarun icewards so if he gets debuached he protects captain.
Htm made Marcus immune.
I iceward Celeste.

I will heal someone else than myself, so Luxy will be held accountable, but I refuse definitive night plans.

Wifom the scout on me btw.Don’t directly use it but wifom it

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I like this interaction though.

Mkay. :wink:

But I also want to know why max wants to bear when he probably wasnt going to be attacked

You should be fine, because Sarun would “Ice Ward” you. :smiley: Whoever is on Sarun’s faction, won’t convert you.

I want to find out why he never made note that I attempted to soft hunter d2

Probably wasn’t obvious -.-

Max hasn’t read half the posts in this thread I bet.

Ngl I thought you thought I was hunter.

I was trying to make you think that I thought you were sheriff

Oh. You failed terribly.
