SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Lol, how about you don’t put words in my mouth, I said “if I where aristro” I didn’t say I was.

I was making a point, because I look scummy right now if your gonna twist what I say and call it a scum slip you can fuck off.

Maybe I was giving perspective.

Deflection is only a scumtell in certain situations and people need to stop using the word when it is NAI.

Btw I was evil in those games :wink:

Yeah but you are using the point if you were to execute them, when the point is that you should know you aren’t. You can’t use the excuse like that as Town and no Town would use that as a excuse to execute.

what did you want me to say, I’M NOBLE vote exe?

I was doing it in the point of view for everyone else, making a vaild argument of why we should execute a Mastermind over someone who looks like a aristrocrat

but you shouldn’t use the point if I was aristrocrat you shouldn’t execute me you should execute this.

Wait nvm I think I understand.

He is a new player FK. This seems NAI to me. The reason we scumspect him is he’s ordering you, not because he is exeing our MM suspect.

I mean that’s the reason we suspect them and I’m just saying that to give even more evidence.

Who do you want me to bounty tonight

can Aristro even bounty?

Ok guys i am gonna sleep pls don’t yolo hammer this.We still need to make night plans

I heard someone say aristro can’t bounty so that would prove me if that’s the case.

Aristo can’t,apostle can

But I mean one time it was useful

What can apostle do that noble can’t? or are they the exact same?

I may or may not link htm or someone trustworthy

We need to find the ritualist too so Shuri will die with them. Opinions on Sam?

Trial Votecount

Execute - 5 (Luxy, Htm, Captain, Sarun, Soul)

7 is majority

I think he is honestly CL

what we need is for Marl to start doing the work

and that means round-the-clock protection on him