SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Trial Votecount

Execute - 4 (Luxy, Captain, Sarun, Soul)

7 is majority

Does my double vote effect the majority for trials?

Did you just say I’m not town :thinking:


N o

So, heres the run down

Maximus is Unseen/Cult
SoulShade is Apostle (Due to three suspected uses of the 2 use ability)
Uhm who else

if Soul was Apostle he’d be using Bounty instead of Order on Litten

So Celeste

have you read recently?

Either way doesn’t explain his three uses of it :thinking:

three uses of what

People, don’t hammer so quick. The vote was fast and the executes were fast too. I just want Marl to come on and say his peace so we know we are not making any mistakes that we overlooked. We still have a lot of time in the day for discussion so let’s not end it so quicl

that’s why we’ve unvoted for the time being

htm and I

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Keep it at 4 for now until Marl gets on

Pull rank does, yes



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wait how the fuck did the priest rez twice

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I didn’t lul

Ritualist rezzed Shuri

Trial Votecount

Execute - 4 (Luxy, Captain, Sarun, Soul)

7 is majority

who is on trial right now
also literally how did a ritualist ressurect shurian

Anyway what did we want Marl to do again?

Poke - he is suspected of being MM

Train only lets a cult leader select cult point abilities for a NON UNIQUE Class