SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Also, I would of bled like crazy if I was unseen/cult they aren’t using iit very well.

As well sam is still probably the ritualist who revived sam, as there is basically no one else who could of done it.

w8 who did captain debuach N1

Sarun you ruined my bait


no, no, no

Litten you aren’t throwing shade now

So Mercenary is the Assassin?

Its not throwing shade when you need to execute the MM first, literally we need to execute the Mm and ritualist isn’t our concern


Vote Count

Marg - 1 (Sarun)
Sarun - 1 (Sam)
Merc - 3 (Htm, Max, Litten)
Max - 1 (Marg)

Majority is 6


If merc was the assassin he would of visited you as well from your theory, also why don’t you want to vote merc, you said Celeste was the MM but she knew you visited shurian so why are you so hesitant in voting someone who has a higher chance of being it.

Wait, now I’m lost. What…?

I just got lost as well when i i realized my theory went out the drain because the sheriff

Mind rebooting.
Sarun there is no way Celeste could of known you visited shurian if she was MM unless she was a observer, that means she is either converted which is most likely. Merc has the best chance to flip Mm

Furthermore vote merc, as if Celeste is a nightwatch they basically get a convert tonight.

I’m still lost… so who the hell is the Assassin?

Max? Sarun the only thing I know is Celeste couldn’t of known you visited shurian unless they were observer to begin with.

Also Soul is still aristocrat probaly

Celeste is Probably a seeker tbh the fact I doubt investigatives wouldn’t of lasted this long before they got converted

None of my tinfoils make sense anymore after Poke flipped Princess… nothing does…

Sarun reread the thread and come back when your mind is cleared.

I can see a Celeste/Soul/Merc or a Celeste/FK/Merc scumteam as they’re the only possible alternatives here. But Celeste knew I visited Shurian n1 so there must be a NW in her scumteam, so this should clear Soul… but…