SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Who was a VI

That ‘scumslip’ was complete bullshit and you should apologise to me

/execute Luxy, if you’re Devout, use Dark God’s Crown on Litten.

@Luxy WIFOM guard


What does that do

Hes cult

@Moleland Tell them they idiots pls

Luxy is likely not a GK over the failed guards, tbh.

I think he wants to occupy you

@Luxy I believe you are GK your my last shot

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unseen, attack Sarun. you need to kill cult or they will outnumber you and win.

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Cult attack unseen, they will out number you and win

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The Unseen should attack a BD player as we lack the numbers.

No they should attack you tbh.

Literally they lose if they don’t. Don’t say otherwise

Why attack me when they can execute me?

Unseen don’t listen to the cult

We kill Mercmind and then they kill one unseen outnumbering you

because reasons.

Because they won’t have majority assuming cult kills another unseen

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