SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

It’s too risky for them

Wait so is soul an apostle or a aristrocrat
Meant to respond to sarun

We can’t kill due to no eradicates. The Unseen needs to kill BD members to win this.

No unseen. Don’t listen. He is only saying this to not lose.

You know what the least riskiest option is which is to kill cult

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@everyone WIFOM every single protection

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@Mercenary has been prodded for inactivity

You may now decide the fate of the accused




Still if we lost then I’d blame our plans. They were too reliant on someone being scum or town.

Trial Vote Count

Execute - 3 (Luxy, Sarun, Litten,)

Ngl I have to agree, I played awful thinking gamer was MM.

Anyway @Luxy if you are Dking then I was converted into the cult. Sarun’s not cult tho. FK is one of our members so don’t occupy him and occupy Sarun.

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You forget to execute


Trial Vote Count

Execute - 4 (Luxy, Sarun, Litten, Htm)

Out of six correct?

Of 5 because it’s a trial


Omae wa mou shindieru