SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Htm it was a joke.

You have to reconsider because of my pun

I distracted him.


@Moleland Are there any people on backup atm

Then wheres the unvote :thinking:

@Soulshade55r be nice and play fair.


Vote Sarun plz.

Vote Sarun please :frowning:


I will only vote if I will be the hammerer cuz why not

@Soulshade55r :frowning:

/vote Sarun

/vote Soul

let me be hammerer!

Say sorry.

Wait, I just realized. It’s impossible to get a lynch off unless the King is on your faction
We can assume this.

Unseen have 3 Members
Cult has 2 Members
BD has 3 Members

and one of the Cult is permanently AFK

We can’t win

I’m very sorry mr Htm your very handsome

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Welp rip scum…(shoulda voted Sarun tbh)

I have to go so see you later I guess

Let me be hammerer tho on Sarun for :cookie:

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You are the hammerer :slight_smile: f

He’ll probably DF-Exe me once I’m hammered, so~


@Moleland Is it okay if I put this game on my forum summary as a loss