SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Unseen are purple that’s cool!
Cult are Red and that sucks!

@Kirefitten @Margaret Unseen scum bags

@Alice @MaximusPrime Cult boys

@Htm @livicus @Sam17z BD boyos

Everyone should be thinking 3 steps ahead. Because I surely have. And for this to be an epic epic epic finale to the triple thread I want everyone to play 3 steps ahead. And know what they want to do next night ohase

Sam I can’t vote execute that’s gamethrowing.

I already have as well tbh.

Yet you didn’t tunnel the Unseen till later

Every factions should have a plan of action. I do for the BD. So unseen scums and cult friends make your winning plan

My plan raises BD’s chances of winning to 1% from .01%. Although we will probs lose I will fight for adiart

I agree sam fight for adiart.

@Alice @ Htm vote to execute please @MaximusPrime


What’s the plan Sam?

BD wins

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Sam succ me.

Insert flavour here

@Soulshade55r has been executed

We found this log

Soul was The Evil King

The Evil King is vanquished! The Kingdom rejoices and demands someone from the Court take control!

The Day will continue until a new king is elected, or until no majority on any candidate is reached

There is no royal blood left alive, so no need to worry about that


Is no one stepping forward?

/step up
(But on serious note i think they didnt realise the day is still on. Lel)

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/step up

Mystic needs to step up or cult win. @Livicus

/step up

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I will be their shield

/Vote Livicus for king
I like how we have to do this but then we have to lynch the king tomorrow.