SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

I’ll get them to use it when it’s 2 cult 1 unseen and a king don’t worry.

Reminder that Livi likely has 2 uses of Guards! left, so odds are that he’ll be immune tomorrow and the night after.

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you’re planning on ganking me early?

Litten, please offer Sam the choice of death, so that he can’t be converted

Sam you should heal me tonight

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in exchange, Litten, I’ll guard you tonight so that Cult won’t even think to kill you

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Hey Sam uh…can I replace you as BD? You wouldn’t mind right :thinking:

Trial time has elapsed. Stop posting

With a narrow majority, Htm was the next person sent to the gallows

Htm has been executed

He left the following log

Htm was a Ritualist

Night 7 begins. It will end in 24 hours, or when all actions are submitted.

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Dawn breaks on Day 8. Just the sound of chirping birds is heard.

Nobody died last night

Day 8 begins, and ends in 48 hours.

Who guarded sam btw, that was really stupid tbh.

@Alice @MaximusPrime

I can’t vote the king or you win, yet I will willing vote sam

/Vote Sam


/vote Sarun

@Sam17z I hope you’re not converted

and that was my only chance, I wanted to bluff Sarun into thinking Sam would be dead, so no point in converting, so I asked you to kill him and then guarded him

but he couldn’t convert cause he converted htm the night before.

Literally now we are executing sam today because of this.

he converted htm 2 nights before

so the only way I could attempt to keep majority is by trying to fake Sarun out and hoping it works

but literally sam could be converted now that I didn’t kill him and then you lost majority

Literally you need to vote sam or you lose if they vote you up fast.

I have reason to believe Sam isn’t converted