SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

dont jail me senpai

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Jail me dear evol pronce so i wouldn’t be converted thx.If we have maid you know who to check for royal blood.Aka me

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If you get jailed

Rip matchmake

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I wouldn’t prob anyway.

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The Sun began to set, and nervousness spread amongst the castle. Who wouldn’t return after the night was over?

Night one begins and ends in 24 hours, or after I receive all actions


I’m awaiting actions from one player. So, if you haven’t sent me your action, you are the only person who hasn’t


Dawn broke and everyone wondered who failed to survive the night. They didn’t need to wait long to find out

Shurian was found dead last night!

They left the following log
This death note was left on their body


Shurian was The Prince

Day 2 begins and ends in 48 hours

Of course

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It’s not an FOL game if the Prince doesn’t die Night 1


/Vote Soul I asked a question did you think they were scum. You didn’t answer my question and instead said “how would I know”. That speaks to me of not wanting to give a opinion early incase you want to change it later.

I guess the memes are transferable to the forum mafia world. :confused:


Kinda funny how Shurian ignored everyone that asked to be jailed.

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Memes everywhere ?

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Why does the Prince always die n1;(

Welp 1 kpn seems interesting tho.It seems they were occupied or something.

Time to kick this off: /vote Captain, convince me why you aren’t scum.

Solic that was a terrible vote tbh. Vote Soul with me.

Well i explained my case d1 why i did it so.Should i repeat it again ?

Hold up, Captain. Do you seriously think the Cult will attack Night 1?

Well since this is the case lemme say what i did n1.I debbed Soulshade n1.