SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

where three factions all know each other but can’t let one get too strong

It was a fun game, it’s just i feel awful with this type of stuff. It just stresses me out tbh.



BD I realize I didn’ have much chance but maybe something will happen

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BUT I’m not DFing just ywt

Why though, you literally can’t win if we pardon :thinking:


Yeah he can becas did Cult won’t kill themselves

no he can’t because cult will gain majority

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Maximus is inactive

So? He could become active.

@Livicus it’s up to you.

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I’ll DF if Max shows up, otherwise I’m not and you better be executing too

Haha, firekitten executing

Thanks for the laugh

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I can’t or I lose

well I can’t or I leave things to fate

I mean you either do it or lose 100% of the time tbh because I’m not changing my mind.
I’m not gamethrowing, so take your chances

He doesn’t lose 100% cult won’t kill livicus

Anyways I am going to heal sarun if I live.

Livicus could go guard Maximus if he wants to take that unnecessary risk or he could guard himself and live till tommorow