SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies


okay fine you got me Litten

Let’s hammer this boy


see ya Scum17z

and Litten you better kill a Cult tonight

I will be guarding myself

@Moleland can we flip Sam and start the night

cuz we kinda know he’s a rit

You lost btw

not yet

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now it’s down to a showdown

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Was that a DF execute?

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Standby for flip

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@Sam17z was executed.

I could not find a last Log

Sam was a Ritualist

Night 8 begins and ends in 24 hours, or when all actions are submitted.


SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (4/20 - Night 8) Silly Sam Serves Sentence

Blaze it.


No night posting :joy:


We do not advertise illegal use of substances on this forum, have you not read the steam terms and service agreement?

You stop Dead and night posting boi

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How as a host of this game can you advertise illegal substances? This is outrageous!

Seriously, stop it. You have a dead chat to make jokes in.


Dawn broke, Bringing new deaths

Maximusprime was found dead last night

There no log
There was no death note

Max was The Cult Leader

Day 9 begins. Trials will auto pardon in the event of split votes.

The Day will end in 24 hours or when a majority vote on ‘end day’ is reached.

/Vote Livicus

/vote Litten