SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Maid probably the most common fakeclaim next to Squire if i remember correctly. OMEGAROLL

Except CWs, especially if they visited the dead Prince n1. You should always trust them to make your night plans.

They thought i was the mystic…

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so they converted you?

Yeah. basically.


Livicus how could you

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I’m trusting Fool claims. They’re for sure not fake. :neutral_face:

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ohey now 2 sfol slots are open

Start one

I’d think the “ordeal” and “very well” would have come from Blizer rather than you, tbh.

I mean, 2/3 of those werent true to this game XD.

This means

You guys should join SFOL echoes very soon when it comes out

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nah that’s how I talk when I message in discord

I would say that tbh.


start now or riot

I don’t have a PM from Alfa

Then we like to say the same shit sometimes lol.

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Too bad so sad

3/3 actually.

Pug claimed Butler and wasn’t Invoker, so the third statement is false