SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

but Ashe did that

Don’t worry I’ll flip [blank]

I don’t have mod powers

Also, i just drank my first beer lol. Its weird being 18 now.

Lmao I had my first beer this year at 16


I haven’t drank any beer since turning 18 2 weeks ago

Hell ya brother! :beer:

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French drinking age is 16 :wink:

actually never planning on it

Of course it is. Fucking Europeans.

I was on holiday too

those darned aryans

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I mean, fair enough.

you go to France for holiday in Australia?

I still prefer tea so eh. Actually having a cup at my hand currently.

I always have Green tea. Its nice.

I actually don’t know if I’m allowed to so i’m gonna wait

it’s only 3 sfols behind

Normal tea or that stuff they call


You literally should be fine tbh