SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Havent been on Discord today XD.

hmmm not like I multitask on forums so I only pay half attention most of the time

aka VI mode

Did anyone like my Epilogue flavour? :sob:


He hasn’t been on since he replaced out of AAFM roughly two weeks ago.

Whom I correctly pardoned

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I did. You did take pretty good advantage of this odd situation here.

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Best Ending to a horrible story.



Cwayon Mode


Honestly, Khorne is satisfied by the chaos.

You still should have listened to me when I was hard pushing on Marg though. :persevere:

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Also the cult leader would have died if livicus didn’t lie to be in mystic link

wdym lie

Cult thought i was mystic. XD

HTM didn’t bind my soul at all you dingus

He Yolo Binded D1

well how was I supposed to know he went and used it D1

He Soul Binded you d1 and then kept talking about Soul Binding you in a weird WIFOM gambit.

You made me change from smite to check Maxi last second


I thought he had it saved

@Kirefitten found 3 people immune at night. That was pretty funny :joy:

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