SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

New meta


Tbh i blame myself.Since i hardclaimed everyone started to hard claim.

I guarded Captain since he was most likely to have a scout or something that would protect him from conversion, so I thought scum would have to kill him. If they try to convert him, then everyone would know and he would get lynched which would be a total waste of a conversion with a 1 day cooldown. If you can’t convince them, kill them is the motto from my experience in ToL

I really really hope all these hardclaimers have a secret behind the scenes double agenda (that is town oriented) and they are actually Hunter or something.


I did this too but it apperantly doesn’t help town.

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Next person who hard claims gets lynched

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I don’t really mind the Noble outing, but protective classes outing themselves for no reason is just downright stupid.

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Hey Solic, I saw you call my Dad baby. Please refrain he is a happily married man thank you very much


Fool here /s

Htm is now my top town read though.

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Even if hes super confirmable :thinking:

Why did htm claim btw?

CW barrier me tonite plz

I just softed that I’m Princess to him, that’s all Marcus. :wink: It’s all related to the game. Swear to god.

We will need a lot of CWs for everyone then


Also you’re replacing into someone who was inactive and there was only 1 kill this night. Are you replacing into scum again?

You know maybe I should just hard claim now :thinking:

/vote htm

You hard claim protective, don’t read, and then ask for conversion protection, I realize you’re not the most assertive town but this I feel is a tactic of trying to make us spread our conversion protection thin

Haven’t even got my class card yet

Pretty sure cult don’t kill n1 though