SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies


Stop being bad Htm. Don’t say things that will make him claim.



To be honest, there’s no other way to prove yourself as a Knight. Most of the time, nothing happens when you guard someone

Lol Reaction Test


way they confirm themselves as scum is if a scum ends up dead the next morning, but given that this is Multi-scum, it’s not so easy

I am p sure memesky town slipped btw.We are not gonna policy lynch him this time.

Exactly. It can even kind of work in normal games, but not this one.

so really, there’s no way for Squid to confirm herself, unless she kills both a Cultist and an Unseen member


I’m pretty sure I know what Merc is

So don’t vote him. Hes kinda confirmed town

At the same time, no I can’t, but on multiple nights, there might be a chance

If Squid ends up killing one of either, it would definitely lower my suspicion of her by a metric ton though… That is assuming we don’t lynch her today.

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@PoisonedSquid when can you use CS?

Because if you could use it tonight and get a scum then that’s good

that’s quite true, but we still have at least 30 hours of the day left, let’s use the time to pressure others, especially the ones who have a bounty on their heads (not Captain)

also noting the class list, there has to be at least 1 BD Killer spawn, so the idea of Squid actually being Knight isn’t too far-fetched

(And now I’m starting to remember why I hated Town of Salem)

Knights can’t CS until night 3.

@PoisonedSquid if you would CS someone who would it be and why.

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Not in this game mode.

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Reaction test ruined. Thanks FK.


Why did you ruin my baitz

Sorry I was knight last time.