SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Sam, if you spot some sort of scummy behavior or important mechanical information, just tell us. Right now I’m waiting for Pug’s reads and your style here just makes it harder to take you seriously.

Thanks Sam :+1:

Drunks do not have double vote

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Why did you pocket gamerpoke??

Wait if it doesn’t affect majority what does it even do.

Right now I think meme is actually cl with captain as invoker

Hidden vote means, if there the person is at L-1 and cap already voted he is lynched

I don’t necessarily believe Captain would be an Invoker as no Invoker would be droning about RB d1.

An Invoker with Royal Blood?! Captain claimed to have Royal Blood which can be easily confirmable

You are pretty off on your reads. captain is obvious Town

Also, I defended gamer because he is also obvious Town, which you would know if you read the thread.

I’m actually sad that I am Town reading you for this.

Don’t underestimate cap please. People did that in ghost and almost no one caught him as arsonist

Unless he was converted this past night, which I doubt, then I’d say he’s BD.

I found him as a neutral in the start of d2. He’s not that hard to read.

Why did you pocket gamer poke? Please answer me

I’m not answering a clearly rigged answer. I’ll answer a question that says why did you defend gamer though.

Maybe he was converted, but cap repeated says meme townslipped he is confirmed town

Pretty sure Cap would claim butler as invoker as well

It’s obvious with cap still not as experienced as others he may want to confirm his scum budies. I thus propose a cap + meme scum team + a third cult

Invoker does not have occupy abilities only cult alts.

Sam can you explain your reasoning as to why captain is actually scum besides him saying meme Town slipped?

Easy scum slip. Also captain hasn’t really been Town motivated either