SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

So your cw claim is fake I assume?

It doesn’t take a experienced player to read captain as town. It’s actually very easier to read new players. He’s simply Town. He wouldn’t claim drunk as evil I am 100% sure of that. Unless he was converted I doubt he’s evil.

FK didn’t even claim CW…

I never claimed court wizard.

It’s already been clarified that FK didn’t claim CW

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You kindve claimed cw

Also when you get pressured don’t roll up into a ball and hide actually defend yourself and show other CFD wagons please

Did you read past that? He clearly made a statement implicating he didn’t realise it would be a soft

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Well, if you read my ISO, maybe you’ll see that

Also… Htm could be converted priest tbh

Is it painful I’m Town reading sam when he’s so painfully wrong.

I saw your iso. On poke right let me double check

Just acknowledging the possibility, Htm could be converted priest + cult alt

Nah, I’m also town reading him. Contrary to his Stalker game in Ghost Town, he actually seems to try to intentionally get conversations started and he’s attempts at deducing seem genuine.

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Your wrong

Doesn’t double vote not show up that’s what my class card said
If it does then I’ll waste it I guess.

Cult priest cant revive prince, plus even if he could prince wouldn’t be able to jail anyone being a big giveaway.

My stalker game was lit. I clearly tried to create discussions

Ask Moleland, I already did but if you don’t believe me do it yourself

Cult can confirm theselves with fake jails