SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies


Reminder RVS and reading go hand in hand

We should have Captain occupy Celeste see what happens

Celeste claims observer, it may not be smart

Agreed but investigators are the only one who receive occupied feedback I think.

Killers and specials too

So hh squid?

Marl welcome to the light

scum can occupy too :+1:

Does Sam always rely this much on mechanical confirmation?

@Shurian I can’t believe you’ve done this

Also captain is actually drunk though. And it just proves they aren’t fake claiming butler, they can still be a invoker/servant.

Invoker can’t occupy…

Technically, a Butler!Invoker can.

Unless butler cult alts but if he claims drunk then he would hav been drunk covnerted

Yes but he’ll be given cult alts and thus be able to confirm himself yanks hair out

Not with drunk cult alts

Um, it’s already been established that I’m going to CS someone tonight and possibly commit suicide in the process

Don’t you have to wait till N3?

Invoker by default has redirection, so an Invoker with a Butler cult alt could easily fake either classes.

Vote Count

Squid - 4 (Blizer, Captain, Sarun, Max )
Pug - 6 (Litten, Solic, Mercenary, Luxy :crown: Htm)
Gamerpoke - 2 (Squid, Marcus)
Captain - 1 (Sam)

Majority is 10