SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

I mean theoreticalky speaking, 1 BD Killer is guaranteed, so at the least, 75% chance that slot is occuoied by a Knight, and 25% chance it’s by Hunter

and no assa or CL would be dumb enough to claim Knight

Once again, what would you think if I killed an Unseen?

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Honestly even if Squid’s assassin and kills her top cult read and it turns out to be cult then we basically get 2 scum.

highly false
Knight is a good fake claim in this multiscum setup

If she is mm and hh will remove death immune.Cult can kill her to get new mm for BD to not focus on cult.

Cult won’t kill Squid

I mean we’d all throw shade at it, but very well

I just prefer for there to be less meltdowns and exclusions

Do you see anyone else claiming Knight? Hmmm?

We aren’t mass claiming
Sit and enjoy life

If you’re blue dragon, you’re now a citizen

Let’s hope you are right then.I still think they would kill her to get new mm and let bd focus on unseen too.

Captain there’s no risk if Squid is MM as there’s no room for conversion anyway so I think you could debauch her if needed

If cult kill squid we just have to find the new MM in one day
and then we just profit

Oh god, guess I’m fucking useless I guess as usual

Not unless if they failed converted n1

Citizen is the strongest role

Ok then

You know how trash I am as a citizen?

Get better

Would you rather die today or play the game for two more days?

Trash talking yourself and your reads doesn’t help at all

Catch people trying to blend in and find scum