SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

I think I know what Sam is and we should pardon


I still want to go over the Poke v. Squid argument here, especially if we don’t have any targets to CFD to the EoD.

I’m quite certain this is either a TvS or a SvS from both factions here.

we should’ve voted up Poke like we were originally planning

I still think we CFD to Marcus.

Squid or Poke is fine also I just think Marcus is scummier

Honestly I think poke could be the MM/CL who converted Celeste, it would make sense tbh. The way they said I know Celeste is nightwatch, they didn’t even question they could be CL/MM.

Additionally, Poke has had far too much resistance to his wagon for my liking. We’ve managed to put up both Sam and Pug easily, but despite his ISO he barely goes over the half required number of people to trial him.

Someone should check Celeste, to prove my theory tbh.

Also. I wouldn’t mind voting Marcus as well.

how many votes did we have on him before the tide turned to Sam? only 5 or something?

I’d rather get Poke than Marcus tbh.

Marcus is a null read for me

Also here’s a question to @Marcus_Doodalee, how do you read me?

6 or 7 I think?

One at a time please

Working on Sam

Don’t hammer me to trial

alright guys

breathes in


Without ISOing, tell me your reads on me.

I have a strong townlean on you.

Then why did you ask Meme/Soulshard to use bounty on someone you see as a strong townlean?

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Because I’m afraid you’ll get trialled if some IC reads you otherwise

That doesn’t make sense.
You would instead convince us he was Town which he is.

