SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

“Princess is an MM claim”


But can’t CL also claim it? Considering CL is Special/Invest

Im going to go to bed now, I hope you guys realize Im not Mm by the time I wake up

I’m just hoping this trial ends one way or the other soon, so I can start the night if need be

He basically keeps referencing how Princess is a MM claim and that it’s not a good idea to execute a MM before d4, so at this point I’m fairly certain he’s Unseen.

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Poke has said Im not MM 3 times in the last hour

I think I hear a cock crowing

Oooh, Biblical references. I likey


Trial Vote count

Pardon - 4 (Litten, Livicus, Sarun, Gamerpoke)
Execute - 4 (Marl, Luxy, Marcus, Htm)

9 votes is majority

I mean the amount of times I have said I’m good king when I’m good king. It isn’t a good argument.

But Poke probably is Unseen.

I just really want this to be over and for you guy to see Im princess

Actually plan time.

@Captain happy hour poke.
@PoisonedSquid you CS Celeste.
Squid will prove herself if Celeste flips unseen. And they will prove Celeste as BD if Celeste doesn’t die.

Ether way I think gamer knows Celeste is somehow observer so it’s a convert or a seeker. And it wouldn’t be bad to happy hour either of them.

I would prefer if I may or may not get conversion protection

as well as a heal

A CW should definitely Ice Ward HTM and also possibly barrier Sarun

HTM, actually. Pug got mislynched.

Pug’s dead?

Any objections?

The Priest, HTM


I am really surprised. The people who are pardoning should have a thought of which town role I am

BD-aligned Fool.