SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

I think I am not the one who rezzed Shuri… I know this sounds weird but starting ritualist can get puppet I think.

what does that mean.

A ritualist rezzed Shuri not me.

Okay. You think because you didn’t get feedback that someone else rezzed Shuri?

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No it’s because I got a strange night result

What was the result?

Can you just tell us what happened?


Apparently starting ritualist can get puppet

I know my rezz wasn’t successful since I still have the use

what does that mean.

tell us the feedback.

My feedback was “you can only rezz dead player you still have the use”

fucking hell HTM, why do you do this to us???


this just got much worse tbh.
If we want to lynch a cultist we need to lynch shurian BUT at the same time we are potentially lynching our prince.

what if this was a epic play by htm to get us to kill the prince twice.

We can ask them to jail someone.

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It explains why Shurian never talked

At least i guess so

If shurian is rezzed as cult, its much better for us to find the ritualist who rezzed him.

Right now we have only one priest claim, which is why this particular info is suspect

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And if HTM isn’t dicking around, this means that we’ve basically lost the Prince for good.

Fucking hell…

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@Htm please tell me you didn’t WIFOM bind the prince?

Ngl, we really need max merc and blizers claim now.
The good thing is. Our paladin will be revived.

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I mean I can still rezz someone else…

They won’t be as valuable as prince but still