SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies


CL ??? - Ritualist Sam - Ritualist ??? - Invoker Shuri

Actually, now I really want a hard claim from @Blizer @MaximusPrime and @Mercenary

If we get the ritualist who puppetted Shuri he dies too


Also, why didn’t no one notice two guys who are alive in dead chat

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That confidence is gunna make town lose, also why is everyone saying ritaulist can rez people?

How does this exactly work?

Gamerpoke is derp confirmed not cult. Change my mind

There was only me Shuri and Pug in dead chat

Not sure if Ritualist can get dead chat

He’s basically consensus MM right now.

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They are then confirmed MM :clap:

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wait do you just get kicked out after the night ends?

Like I said, I really hope you guys bounty me cause if not, town loses

I’m still waiting to see who memesky bountied.

Yeah lul but I get it again the next night

Im hoping he didn’t order too

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In my head I imagine two dead chats and the dead confused as ever.

Ah, thats derp you not cult then too

Heres a plan, I WoW someone while Celeste tracks me so I can find a killer before you guys kill me. This way I die doing something for town

Ritualist puppet is their 2 point alt

But the cult alt can’t they speak to the dead?