SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Because I healed solic but he flipped dead molelans said no moderror

we could vote Soulshade, he’s the next Unseen


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ah okay I see

and can I request conversion prot on me tonight

The MM should be our top priority ATM. If we just execute Soul then he’s just going to convert another player.

also let’s vote up Poke

Vote Count

Poke - 4 (Sarun, Htm, Livi, Captain)

Majority is 8

I already have my vote on him Sarun

Soulshade is p much obvius at this point.He is either apostle/aristocrat.But they are not so much problem now.We need to find mm or cl today.Or we would p much lose.

We already found the MM

and he’s not apostle, Apostle can have bounty

but Aristocrat can’t

If Gamer Poke played ultra VI plays here,he can be not mm.But i still think he is 90% mm at this point.Bcs we don’t have better candidate for it.

Also, I’m debating if max is a CL/MM as he wanted to save his bears and not bleed anyone when no one would attack him.

Well i didn’t know about this anyway

I was right about blizer btw. So thanks. Invoker don’t like me

he can’t be MM

Oh yeah , anyways who wants to bet he is evil.

@GamerPoke share your night result please

well Sarun died on your watch? that means Cult has another Invoker or you’re converted