SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Oh wait I forgot max has to be able to bleed to claim hunter

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Tbh that could have happened or Max is a scum using his CL to confirm him

well regardless it helps a lot because the starting Cult decided to out their identity by rezzing Shurian and now we have our Pally back instead of Prince (who could arguably be stronger and more useful in our current situation because Unseen is about to be destroyed)

I think we basically game solved tbh

I already said what i am gonna do yesterday.I debbed Sarun bcs i thought he is possible assassin but with that amount of kills my theory goes out from window.

not completely, we need to get rid of every last Cult or they’ll keep multiplying

Yeah me too

I’m just afraid if it’s too late

like rats

7 vs 7 (assuming all converts didn’t fail)

Depends on the level of SvS that happens here. IMO, we should keep both the Cult and Unseen at equal strengths to prevent either faction from bulldozing BD here.

It’s why I want to see the MM dead ASAP as the Cult will still have to deal with Marl.

Guess who I saw visit Marcus

We have a paladin and the factions need to vote each other’s it’s more like

7 v 3 v 4 if everyone is full

Technically it can be a 6 BD v 8 Scum in the case of an EK, so yep…

I think we should kill off the Unseen completely while also having Marl slay Cult so that conversions and kills get cut by half

tell us

Guess who I saw visit Marcus


we need to factor in Luxy, who is now 2 full votes

You saw the EK murder them?
You saw the dead pally?


then tell us