SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Fine, Mole probably wasn’t going to anyways because Soul hasn’t confirmed

But you are making a big deal about this whole situation

He quite obviously started it.

Luxy you’re fueling the flames

Let’s all calm down

Does anyone know how to block someone on the forums?

Like Orange told me, you should not engage to spread the flame


Day 1 Mass claims go



You shouldn’t play with fire because when people play with fire they usually get burned

oh hello Soul

you confirming?

Soul, you’re here! Thank goodness!

Merc claim here /s

Mole end the night pls

Let’s just get a fire extinguisher and let it die down, okay?

Everyone has confirmed

14ish hours remain

If that’s the case then I should reveal myself as masochist



I’'m carrying this one

/Night plz

Give me your top scums please?