SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

I think Soul is on Poke’s scumteam because he isn’t voting Poke.

Huh that’s weird my vote didn’t show up.


Ok soul where is fk’s vote ?

/vote Poke

Thank you for saying who mastermind.

That still doesn’t change why you Ordered Firekitten

okay so question where’s my vote. Where did you take it I want it back.

Well poke has been put on trial

Read the newbie guide it says exactly not to sheep firekitten

Explain where is the fk’s vote or riot

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@Marluxion you scum come here and scum hunt

Well I don’t know where Fk’s vote but I was not the one who ordered them.

So apostle/atristro is clearly framing me.

No one cc’d noble and no one has noble cult alts besides you

Starting Apostle or a social class was converted.

Huh wonder where that aristrocrat and or apostle claim is. Btw you aren’t very convincing you should be voting me accusing me of being scum, then trying to scum hunt instead you are basically defending yourself instead of finding scum.

That is fake priest who scum created Shurian you scum

Vote Count

Poke - 8 (Sarun, Htm, Livi, Captain, Luxy :crown:, Marg, Soul)
Max - 1 (Gamer)

@GamerPoke is on trial. Please allow time for them to make a defence

My defense is my plan, I am innocent

Well there can’t be a starting Apostle so…

Nah you are MM

Did anyone get linked by Livi last night?