SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

It’s Merc

Bliz told me so

The MM is either Merc or Celeste based on my reads. Since Celeste lied about Sam17z’s visits, I assume that she is the MM here.

Well Blizer is invoker.

But he has to get rid of unseen too

I am in no way shape or form doubting Celeste is evil. Just not mm

Okay hold on which of us are BD confirmed

me, htm, Sam?

and htm I thought you bound soul’d Marl

“Confirmed” pretty sure Htm or livicus was converted last night. So I ride solo

By now it should be 3 Unseen, 2 Cult, 1 King, and 4 BD.

Also lamist

Yeah but I was told to WIFOM

okay sure

but I’m still Mystic

anyways Sam what’s the deal

I actually though Poke was MM

Sarun spilled some fake news

Sarun + firekitten led to a mislynch

which one is the MM though

But he isn’t MM

while he could be scum he isn’t MM

I would say firekitten is convert here


also Sam it’s convert night tonight