SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

I expect color actions from you as well


I gave my logs in color I want your color logs as well

Soul - Noble
N1 - No action
N2 - Order FK
N3 - No action
N4 - Bounty FK.

(I did NOT order FK N3, Only n2 so I’m guessing starting apostle)

No color for you

You said you bountied N1 though.
Also no room for starting apostle

No I didn’t, look up

I never bounties you N1

You said you bountied though.
Also vote merc instead of voting me, there is no reason you should be voting me instead of a potiental MM

You are a potential Mastermind, if your Cult admit it then I won’t vote you

M8 read the thread to see why that’s impossible.

It is possible

Confirm what?

It’s impossible unless you suggesting I converted Sarun. Read the thread. And vote merc

What did memesky do

He hasn’t even said anything

that’s memesky for us

Starting Ritualist confirmed themself by rezzing the dead Prince

Livicus vote merc. @Soulshade55r you as well, it’s physically impossible for me to be a MM and merc is our best bet tbh

It is actually possible for you to be mm, and lamist saying you cannot be mm

I can’t though unless I converted Sarun and then case HE WOULD SHOW UP AS UNSEEN.

Therefore you are wrong

Also you are using lamist wrong it’s more like lamisnmm