SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

So who took that alt the priest ritualist :thinking:

Sarun could’ve will of mithras’d Litten to protect him when Marl cleansed him

Why would he do that that’s stupid

It’s an ability for all rits

So he’s the priest who has that alt as well.

It’s not a cult alt

oh still marl would of known I was cult

The Ritualist :crossed_swords:

Cult Support
Will of Mithras (Day) - Make a Cult Member immune to the Paladin’s Cleanse tonight, they will not be revealed as part of the cult. - 1 use
Strength Of Corax (Night) - The Cult Leader’s Blood of Mithras will bypass night immunity tonight. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

No he wouldn’t


Litten there are several contradictions in your testomony.

Exe Firekitten

Why don’t I have OE

we can’t afford to though sadly, we need the MM dead

No, we need to kill MercMind

/vote Merc

CL isn’t important rn

Cult is just gonna multiply. I’d prefer an unseen win over cult win just sayin

(well I mean it kind of is but all of our offensives got converted)

even if we exe Litten
Sarun will convert

Sarun’s not MM

It’s Merc