SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

I consider some of this gamethrowing

but kinda funny how the MM and CL were the ones claiming CW

you can’t win.

wait who’s the ritualist that rezzed Shurian though


We can tho

htm you can’t if we don’t attack a cult. King decide fates pardon assassin and then you can’t win.

As I said before. Not executing Celeste here would be risking your chance of being converted by either side to a win. Cult can’t kill as we can’t spare members for the Eradicate.

literally king decide fates pardon.

We can tho…

I’m not going to gamethrow

I wanna step up

you can’t I state the facts choose a side and side with us. We have cookies.

So here’s the plan. We vote up FK to force the King to use DF, then we execute Celeste. Deal?

then he doesn’t use it.

I have a solution

we vote up Soul as King

and then we lynch Soul

You can’t DF Pardon yourself

I can go with that.


yeah then we kill you…and then you lose.

Ez BD win

I still have soul bind

…+ Sam heals his self with my death immmunity