SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

Saying “Oh yeah I have RB” Just makes you a easy target.


What are you trying to say btw? Do you believe luxy is town?

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Are you forgetting the fact that I was scum in VIR and therefore, trying to push a mislynch on you.

How do I know? Too early to decide but all I’m saying is Luxy should stick until mid game at least so we get reads on them, early evil king not knowing there team isn’t a threat, just saying if luxy doesn’t contribute or help a lot they shouldn’t live, also we have to look at there true intentions.


Read through

Is this bollockery of salt I see?
I hard claim Good King. All protectives on me /s

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Tbh they should stick until d4 so yeah agreed.

Ok, im going to read the past 500 posts that i have missed and get caught up to speed on what we are doing.

it’s just basically a whole bunch of regular D1 stuff in an fm that has no D1 lynch

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10 hours remain

I’m probably going to fall asleep soon, catch up on the sleep I missed yesterday and what not.

No u

I’ll most likely be asleep soon so I won’t be back until later

Should i
claim d1
and insist upon a massclaim

or should i
remain mysterious
and hide in the shadows

Massclaim always

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@Marluxion your opinion on my supposed scumslip?

I only read this thread once, but Luxy just seemed frustrated under the baseless pressure. Also Sam, you’re a bit too insistent on who you want convert immune. I wonder why? :eyes: Luxy also gives very genuine emotional reactions when scum too, so don’t let that fool you.

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Tbf I should get conversion immunity for lulz


Tbh, I don’t know why you asking for heals. You claimed important in general, but you just claimed not any super important roles aka sheriff/paladin/prince because you want convert immunity but those classes are convert immune. So clearly you aren’t as important as I thought

Maybe Im another important class :thinking:

I also suggest that 1 super power role aka sheriff/paladin/prince out because we have a guaranteed phys that can innoc and heal them. I stress the only 1 of them