SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies


So what are you thinking?

Let’s discuss gamesolve here

Is that a DF pardon? :thinking:

You converted traitor

no definitely not

If you use your df you auto lose in a 1v1v1. Or a 1v2

I mean a Defence is supposed to convince people to pardon but if you are pardoning anyways what is the point of a Defence?

Sam I realize by now you were converted

if you were BD you would’ve voted Sarun with me in a heartbeat


@Kirefitten our plan is to pardon Max, up Sam, and exe him 2 to 1 as Max likely won’t be online to pardon him

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You voted sarun I thought you voted me?

@livicus as I said

Firekitten wants you to use your df so you lose tommorow

nope because I thought I juked Sarun out but I now see that Litten is correct

you have cast away your pride and honor as a member of the Blue Dragon, and for that you must pay for your crimes, Samuel

Just saying you can’t trust firekitten here. They want you to use your df and then you auto lose. And if firekitten doesn’t make you use the df he loses

ah nope

if Litten has me DF E, I will still win because I have 3 guards left

No lynch here and make firekitten kill me

What? In a 1v1v1 cult + Unseen will turn on you and we will lose

You lose the ability to win if you use your df

It’s the only leverage you have tbh