SFOL 31 - Triple Threat 2 (0/20 - Game Over) Rocks fall - Everyone dies

None of us shall win

Litten has been pardoned. Day 9 continues

/vote Sarun

FK, if you vote execute me, Livi will still live and he’ll single-handedly execute you tomorrow, and you cannot kill me tonight as otherwise the same outcome will happen.

/no lynch

Ik, but none of us shall win if I don’t win btw

Livicus was bled today, he’ll still live tomorrow.

Sarun is on trial. Blah blah blah


And now I’m also bled. Basically, we’re essentially heading to a draw here.

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Ik, this is so anti climatic tbh

I can’t do anything

you two aren’t willing to exe the other

and Sarun, you realize you will lose like this, right?

Litten, I know I lost anyways so I’d like to give the win to you

I’m out of guards


Technically, I already lost. I can’t kill you nor FK due to the Cult needing to sacrifice their own to kill. You need my vote to execute Litten, and your guards make killing it impossible to kill you to FK.

/No lunch

and I’m going to bleed to death in 2 days anyways

Sarun has been Pardoned

Day 9 continues

/no lynch

I’m out of guards in case you didn’t realize

/No Lunch

okay here both of you vote me